2” Spider plant
2” Spider plant
The Dieffenbachia Maculata "Tiki" may be considered the god of Dieffenbachia's with its larger stature and exotic leaves. This plant will get a lot of attention no matter what angle you view it from, Its larger leaves with unusual markings will grab your attention from all sides!
Light: Loves bright in direct light. If you have low light in your setting this would do alright there as well...it won't thrive though!
Water: The best way to water this plant is to let it get moderately dry and then completely drench the soil.
Note** Depending on the size of your dieffenbachia, it may need to be re-potted as it grows. If you decide to re-pot, do it right as winter ends and the growing season is about to start. Pick a pot that is slightly bigger than the existing pot — do not over-pot it!
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Aracaeae
Genus: Dieffenbachia
Botanical name: Dieffenbachia maculata
Common name: Dieffenbachia Tiki, Tropical Tiki, Dumbcane