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Seeds | Sweet Peas Late Spencer Blend

Seeds | Sweet Peas Late Spencer Blend

Regular price $4.49 CAD
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Lathyrus odoratus. The Spencers bloom when the heat of mid-summer arrives after a cool spring. The plants produced by Late Spencer Blend sweet pea seeds have strong stems and outstanding fragrance. The upper petals are ruffled, and the lower “wings” are longer than other varieties. All the beautiful, bold colours so loved in these reliable performers—red, pink, white, rose, purple, and blue. Be sure to pick off any spent flowers to keep the vines producing more flowers. If any seed pods form cut them off to keep the plant blooming. Combine some of the earlier flowering varieties with your Late Spencer Blend, and you'll enjoy a much longer sweet pea harvest window.


    • Typically grows to 180-300cm (6’ to 10’) tall
    • Colourful
    • Easy to grow
    • Late variety

5g approx 60 seeds

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