Peperomia | Rotu
Peperomia | Rotu
Botanical name: Peperomia rotu sp
Common name: Peperomia Jitterbug Radiator Plant
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Peperomia
Origin: Amazon South America
Light: Moderate to bright indirect light
Water: Allow soil to dry about 1/2-3/4 of the way dry then give them a thorough water. It's important not to water these plants too much or underwater them. Over-watering can cause rot signs of this will be mushy plant stem and leave with dark brown colourings. Under-watering will make them wilt signs of this is thin leaves, mixed with too little water and too much light you will get light brown scarring/ sun burn as well.
Fertilizer: With active growth (even in winter) we recommend using a fertilizer based for foliage plants like Dynagro foliage pro, Gaia green 444 or fish fertilizer.
Pets: Yes, pet friendly. Non toxic.
Plants in picture will not be exact plant.